Samstag, 15. Juni 2013

Juni-Juli Challenge bei Vienna Impressions Inspirations

Bei dieser neuen Herausforderung werfen wir einen Blick durch unser fiktives Fenster. Hier zeig ich euch, was ich so gesehen habe ;)

1 Kommentar:

SAMARA hat gesagt…

Hi Eva:
Thank you for your comment on my blog. I also have a blog May I ask you to please go over there and give me some personal feedback. Eva, should I close my DARK AND DANGEROUS blog and just stay with the samaranavi one? I ask you as a personal favour to help me decide. Having said that...I LOVE your art. It is so vintagy beautiful and artfully original. I see so much vintage but somehow yours goes beyond into a realm and combination that is stellar and unique. Thanks for that! Hugs, Samara. And thank you! xox